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- G4C
- ; dir.gfxcon - by dck January 1997
- ; A GUI for the great picture format converter :
- ; GfxCon V1.7 © Dirk Farin / farindk@trick.informatik.uni-stuttgart.de
- ; (Available on Aminet)
- ; Looks for GFXcon under the name contained in variable $DEF.GFXCON
- WINBIG 180 15 200 166 "GfxCon V1.7"
- WinType 11110001
- xOnLoad
- ifexists file $*DEF.GFXCON ; you MUST have configured dir.gc
- ; You're my kind of guy..
- else
- EZReq "GFXcon not found!\nPlease configure\nDir.gc correctly." "OK" ""
- guiquit dir.gfxcon
- stop
- endif
- format = ILBM ; our variables
- colors = ""
- bw = ""
- flip = ""
- rot = ""
- x = 320
- y = 250
- size = ""
- file = ""
- mode = FILES
- gosub dir.gfxcon FileMode
- guiopen dir.gfxcon
- xOnClose
- delvar #?
- guiquit dir.gfxcon
- xRoutine FileMode
- setgad dir.gfxcon 1/13 HIDE
- setgad dir.gfxcon 21/25 SHOW
- redraw dir.gfxcon
- xRoutine ConvertMode
- setgad dir.gfxcon 1/13 SHOW
- setgad dir.gfxcon 21/25 HIDE
- redraw dir.gfxcon
- XCYCLER 0 0 200 14 "" mode
- cstr "Choose/Add Files" FILES
- Cstr "Converting Options" CONVERT
- if $mode = CONVERT
- gosub dir.gfxcon ConvertMode
- else
- gosub dir.gfxcon FileMode
- endif
- ;------------------------------- PRETTY OBVIOUS OPTIONS GADGETS
- XCYCLER 70 15 125 14 Format format
- GadID 1
- cstr ILBM ILBM
- cstr GIF GIF
- cstr JPEG JPEG
- cstr PCX PCX
- cstr PostScript Postscript
- cstr RGB-Raw RGB-Raw
- XCYCLER 70 30 125 14 Colors colors
- GadId 2
- cstr Default ""
- cstr 16 16
- cstr 32 32
- cstr 128 128
- cstr 256 256
- cstr 2 2
- cstr 4 4
- cstr 8 8
- XCYCLER 70 45 125 14 Type bw
- GadId 3
- cstr Default ""
- cstr BW BW
- cstr "NO Red" NORED
- cstr "NO Green" NOGREEN
- cstr "NO Blue" NOBLUE
- XCYCLER 70 60 125 14 Flip flip
- gadid 11
- Cstr None ""
- cstr "Flip X" FLIPX
- cstr "Filp Y" FLIPY
- cstr "Flip XY" "FLIPX FLIPY"
- XCYCLER 70 75 125 14 Rotate rot
- gadid 12
- cstr None ""
- cstr "90 Left" ROTATELEFT
- cstr "90 Right" ROTATERIGHT
- ; slider contrast CONTRAST 0-100
- ; slider brightness BRIGHTNESS 0-255
- ;---- Size
- XCYCLER 70 90 125 14 Size size
- gadid 4
- cstr Same ""
- cstr SIZE SIZE
- if $size = NONE
- setgad dir.gfxcon 5 OFF
- setgad dir.gfxcon 6 OFF
- else
- setgad dir.gfxcon 5 ON
- setgad dir.gfxcon 6 ON
- endif
- ; -- Size textin gadgets
- XTEXTIN 70 105 61 14 "" x 320 10
- gadid 5
- SetGad dir.gfxcon 6 ON
- XTEXTIN 135 105 59 14 "" y 250 10
- gadid 6
- ; -------------------- Status Boxes
- TEXT 5 112 40 10 "Status:" 20 NOBOX
- gadid 7
- TEXT 4 123 190 12 "No Files" 130 BOX
- GadID 8
- Gauge 4 136 190 12 IN BUTTON 3 0 0
- gadid 13
- xPIPE pipe:gfxcon ON
- if $mode = CONVERT
- and $finishflag = 0
- update dir.gfxcon 8 '$$PIPE'
- endif
- ;--------------------- LISTVIEW SHOWING FILES TO CONVERT
- XLISTVIEW 0 15 198 132 "" file "" 10 MULTI
- gadid 21
- XBUTTON 0 150 50 14 View
- gadid 25
- lvuse dir.gfxcon 21
- lvmulti first
- while $file > ""
- *RUNMODE = 'run >nil:'
- *FILENAME = $file
- gosub viewfile.g ViewFile
- lvmulti next
- endwhile
- XBUTTON 50 150 50 14 Add ; add files selected from dir.gc
- gadid 22
- id = $$lv.id
- lvuse dir.gc $id
- lvmulti first
- while $dir.gc/lv_file > ""
- lvuse dir.gfxcon 21
- lvadd $dir.gc/lv_file
- lvuse dir.gc $id
- lvmulti off
- lvmulti next
- endwhile
- XBUTTON 100 150 50 14 Del ; delete selected files
- gadid 23
- lvuse dir.gfxcon 21
- lvmulti first
- while $file > ""
- lvdel -1
- lvmulti first ; use first again since last first was deleted
- endwhile
- XBUTTON 150 150 50 14 Clr
- gadid 24
- lvuse dir.gfxcon 21
- lvclear
- ;-------------------- Cancel the relaunch of gfxcon
- XBUTTON 100 150 95 14 CANCEL
- gadfont topaz.font 8 010
- gadid 9
- flag = 1
- ;-------------------- This is where we do our stuff!
- XBUTTON 5 150 95 14 "Convert"
- gadid 10
- gadfont topaz.font 8 010
- flag = 0
- finishflag = 0
- lvuse dir.gfxcon 21
- count = 0
- total = $$lv.tot
- update dir.gfxcon 13 0 ; gauge
- lvgo #0
- cfile = $$lv.rec
- if $cfile > ""
- gosub dir.gfxcon addextension
- lvdel 0
- update dir.gfxcon 7 Converting:
- update dir.gfxcon 8 $cfile
- gosub dir.gfxcon makecom
- setstack 20000
- ; say '$*DEF.GFXCON >pipe:gfxcon $cfile $com \n'
- Launch 1 '$*DEF.GFXCON >pipe:gfxcon $cfile $com NOPROGRESS'
- setstack 4000
- endif
- ; This is where the Launch command will return to when the program
- ; it has run has finished executing. We then tell it to do it again
- xOnReturn 1
- if $mode = CONVERT
- update dir.gfxcon 13 0
- update dir.gfxcon 7 Status:
- update dir.gfxcon 8 Finished
- endif
- if $flag = 1
- stop
- endif
- lvuse dir.gfxcon 21
- lvgo #0
- cfile = $$lv.rec
- if $cfile > ""
- ++count
- temp == $count * 100
- ratio == $temp / $total
- update dir.gfxcon 13 $ratio ; gauge
- gosub dir.gfxcon addextension
- lvdel 0
- update dir.gfxcon 7 Converting:
- update dir.gfxcon 8 $cfile
- gosub dir.gfxcon makecom
- setstack 20000
- ; say '$*DEF.GFXCON >pipe:gfxcon $cfile $com \n'
- Launch 1 '$*DEF.GFXCON >pipe:gfxcon $cfile $com NOPROGRESS'
- setstack 4000
- else
- update dir.gfxcon 8 "Finished."
- finishflag = 1
- endif
- ; ------------ Routine to form command line
- xroutine makecom
- com = 'FORMAT $format'
- if $colors > ""
- appvar com ' COLORS $colors'
- endif
- if $bw > ""
- appvar com ' $bw'
- endif
- if $flip > ""
- appvar com ' $flip'
- endif
- if $rot > ""
- appvar com ' $rot'
- endif
- if $size > ""
- appvar com ' $size $x $y'
- endif
- xROUTINE addextension
- ; if file doesn't have an extension, we must add one
- extract cfile ext ex
- if $ex > ""
- return
- else
- oldname = $cfile
- ; find out extension according to file type
- if $cfile H= "FORM????ILBM"
- or $cfile H= "FORM??ILBM"
- exname = .iff
- elseif $cfile H= GIF
- exname = .gif
- elseif $cfile H= "??????JFIF"
- or $cfile H= "ÿØÿÄ"
- exname = .jpg
- else ; we don't know what it is
- exname = .ext
- endif
- ; handle possible quoted string
- if $cfile[-1][1] = '"'
- cutvar cfile cut char -1 ''
- appvar cfile '$exname\"'
- else
- appvar cfile '$exname'
- endif
- rename $oldname $cfile
- endif
- ; --------------
- ; This is where we'll end up if anything goes wrong..
- ; i.e. such as GFXcon not finding the file and returning an error status
- xOnFail
- EZReq "An error occured.\nClick on Convert to continue." "OK" ""
- RESIZE_BIG 180 15 257 187 DIR.GFXCON